Environment policy
We consistently aim to optimise our environmental performance and that of our clients
Bouygues Energies & Services is committed to developing a culture in which each individual feels responsible for protecting the environment, and acts accordingly. Our goal is to ensure that our natural, human and economic resources are used efficiently in such a way as to preserve them.
To achieve this goal, we focus on three key areas that are based on an approach combining support and business expertise.
Being attentive to and meeting our client's needs
- Contributing to our clients’ environmental performance
- Constantly being proactive in helping our clients to improve their energy efficiency
We offer our clients customised support in the environmental certification and label process to help enhance the “green value” of their assets.
In 2016, Bouygues Energies & Services supported the implementation of the first BiodiverCity© label in the operation phase.

A few recent examples
Concretely, this gives a typology of infinitely adaptable projects, with a tailor-made approach, in synergy with the local specificities:
- A project involving a heating and cooling energy recovery system in Djibouti,
- The construction of solar photovoltaic farms in Australia and Japan.
- Capitalising on existing systems is also key: our subsidiary Axione uses existing networks to run fibre-optic cables, the aim being to minimise the impact of new construction
Managing the environmental impact of all our activities, projects and locations
- Achieving a sustainable reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions
- Reducing waste generation
Some 95% of Bouygues Energies & Services activities were ISO 14001-certified worldwide in 2016. This certification means we can assure all our clients that our environmental impact is controlled.
In France, around 350 people have received environmental training, the main modules being health, safety and environment-related responsibilities, chemical risks and road transport of hazardous goods. We are continuing to raise awareness among our teams through 15-minute environmental sessions.
Regular awareness-building initiatives for waste management and work-related travel are also held for operational and support teams.
Our strategy ties in with a circular economy approach
Reducing waste generation at source
- Using recycled materials
- Working and communicating with our suppliers
- Managing inventory to optimise orders
- Carrying out whole-life cost studies to optimise equipment service life
Optimising waste sorting
- Identifying sorting areas and providing signage
- Differentiating waste according to type and administrative and technical rules, and setting up collection points
- Informing employees about sorting rules during induction days and 15-minute environmental sessions
- Establishing a self-check of the quality of waste sorting and tracking
- Identifying local service providers to reduce pollution caused by transporting materials
- Recovering waste in accordance with the waste management hierarchy
Monitoring waste management and implementing reporting systems
- Retrieving waste tracking and removal documents
- Updating waste tracking log
- Auditing waste service providers who have framework contracts with bouygues energies & services
In 2016, we set up 19 new collection points for lamps and waste electrical and electronic equipment in France. Some 81 Bouygues Energies & Services branches collect 28 tonnes of lamps and tubes along with 67 tonnes of professional waste electrical and electronic equipment, together with our partner Recylum. This means that 80% of lamp components are recycled.
To extend our partnerships, we joined forces in 2016 with Eco-systèmes PRO, an environmental organisation which recovers category 1, 2, 6, 9 and 10 waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Cutting greenhouse gas emissions is a priority that we commit to in our projects, both in the medium and long term. In 2016 in France, we opted to choose company vehicles with A and B energy labels. Some 35% of the vehicle fleet in Switzerland had A and B labels in 2016.
Involving our subcontractors, suppliers and service providers in our environmental strategy
- Sharing our environmental objectives with our subcontractors, suppliers and service providers
- Optimising our use of raw materials
Subcontractors, service providers and suppliers are signatories to the Group’s Sustainable Development Charter. Specific environmental guidelines are set out so as to share our environmental objectives with our partners. In 2016, we launched a partnership with Sonepar, a company with global market leadership in the distribution of electrical products and related services, with a view to minimising packaging waste as well as limiting our use of raw materials and the waste generated by our activities. We are committed in 2017 to developing this line of action with these key partners.
Bouygues Energies & Services is committed to developing a culture where everyone feels responsible for protecting the environment, and acts accordingly. We will aim for an ecology of means for an efficient use of our natural, human and economic resources.

Green villages
We worked closely with the town of Marne-la-Vallée / EPAMARNE public development office on the follow-up and supplements to their ‘Green Projects’ charter
Compliance with measures to protect flora and fauna, warning system regarding the introduction of invasive species, compliance with waste sorting, monthly tracking of carbon indicators, training / awareness-building among internal and external staff relating to the green projects charter, on-site check, etc.